Google Adsense

The Amazing Google AdSense Program is today towering like a Colossus in the Internet. It has helped some smart Internet Marketers to make huge amounts of money, while at the same time it is interesting to note that many new Internet Marketers and Internet Home-Based Business Entrepreneurs are receiving their first pay check from Google AdSense rather than the main affiliate program.
Given below are the Asense Tips, What, How, Who, Why, When and Where of Google AdSense in a nut shell.
AdSense Tip: What is is Google Adsense:
Google AdSense is a program designed by Google that can generate advertising revenue for your website. Relevant Text and Image ads. targeted to your website content are delivered by Google. Additionally if you place a Google Search Box in your website, relevant text ads. are displayed when a search request is made by a website visitor. Google will pay you for all valid clicks. made by your website visitors on the ads. or search results pages. Another new addition is the Google AdSense Referrals Feature , whereby you can generate additional income by displaying Google's Referral Buttons on your web pages.
AdSense Tip: How to get started with Google Adsense:
You have to apply to Google AdSense by completing an online application form at Once the application is approved, you will be able to participate. You then have to copy and paste a HTML code that is provided by Google AdSense into your web pages. The code creates relevant ads. to the content of the page. When a visitor clicks on it Google pays you.

AdSense Tip: Who can participate in Google Adsense:
Anyone who has a website can join the AdSense program but not adult and hate sites. You have to comply with Google's program policies. It is Free to join. Google has a massive advertiser base and they have ads. on the ready for all categories of businesses. They also have ads. ready to match different types of content sites, from a pet store site to that of a highly sophisticated technological site.
Google AdSense can be used in many languages. It is also targeted geographically and hence Global business can take advantage of this and webmasters living in any part of the world can participate.
AdSense Tip: Why Participate in Google Adsense:
The obvious answer is to make money from home. It does not cost you anything if you have a website, so why miss the opportunity to make money from home. Google pays you monthly if your earnings reach $100.The Google AdSense checks are a blessing to a large number of newbies with low budgets eager to make money from home. Some webmasters feel that AdSense ads. can lead their visitors away from their site. This possibility is there but if you have a website with good content they will always come back.
AdSense Tip: When to Participate in Google Adsense:
The AdSense program is Web related and hence you must have a website to participate. Once your website is ready and the contents optimized, you can submit your application. The AdSense program is not restricted only to high page rank sites as some seem to think.
Google approves most of the sites but ensures that they are of acceptable standard. Normally they are approved within 2-3 days. Once approved you can immediately participate in the AdSense program by logging into your account.
AdSense Tip: Where to place Google AdSense ads. in your Website.
The AdSense ads. can be placed anywhere in your web pages, but there are specific areas in your web pages that are recommended by Google which have been found to generate more clicks.
According to Google and our own experience: Ads placed above the fold tend to perform better than those below the fold.
Ads placed near rich content and navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of a page.
Ads placed at the top of the page and at the left generally perform better than others.
Ads at the bottom of long articles and those that are integrated or merge with the content too perform very well.
Of course there are other strategies, such as creating high paying keyword content pages to suit individual sites and also generating more traffic to your site. These have to be implemented too, to ensure success.
The Google AdSense Program has come to stay. It is a great way to earn an additional income for most webmasters and a big income for some who have made the AdSense Program as the main source of income. Which ever way you look at it the AdSense Program is a happy hunting ground for all and these AdSense Tips can help you get started.
Google AdSense has been called many-a-things from gold to fraud from the best to the worst. In many webmasters' minds however it has been an opportunity of unspeakable proportions. One can only take a gander at how much users are currently using Google AdSense on their websites, all I know is it's recently been EVERYWHERE from the most popular websites to the seemingly unknown ones.
Google AdSense seems to have given everyone an opportunity, a break from the normal advertising programs that hinder the World Wide Web instead of advancing it. From promising free riches untold to work at home programs no one could trust an ad. Millions of users were being misguided all to learn their lessons too late. Scams roamed the Internet and worse yet the trusted webmasters were the ones advancing them. Simply because they had no choice everyone has to make a living some way or another.
Until that is Google AdSense came into the scene trusted advertisers that were hand picked by Google itself were determined to turn the World of on line advertising around. Tired of users not believing what ads say and therefore making the whole Internet advertising industry worthless. Webmasters making pennies a day were outraged but none the less had no choice. Google AdSense however gave us all an opportunity for us hard working webmasters who demanded useful advertising, with proper compensation of course.
This being said thousands of flocks rushed to Google AdSense looking to get in on the quick buck. One thing they didn't count on was the fact that Google AdSense doesn't just accept anyone as their publishers. Applications failed miserably and everyone complained of the impossible standards of Google Adsense. This prompted Google AdSense to release a list of requirements for publishers in order to be accepted. This, of course as expected, worked wonders.
Google AdSense became the new thing it was all the buzz around the Internet. Google benefited from this as it's stocks soared higher to push the stock market's limits. Advertisers were getting legit traffic as was intended with programs such as Google Adsense. It seems everyone was happy.
Like any successful campaign however problems begin to arise. Spammers started to join Google AdSense with only money in mind. Making websites with questionable content just earn quick cash, advertisers became concerned, but Google had covered all corners. Ongoing surveillance of Google AdSense publishers continued to weed out these bad seeds. In the process however legit webmasters were also sometimes, in rare cases, punished for seemingly no reason. And many outcries circulated the Internet of the abuse Google AdSense was inflicting upon it's faithful publishers. It is to be notated however of how any webmasters were welcomed by Google AdSense to plead their case. Through this method they have been able to get back on track. If you too are one of the banned ones or just looking to be safe checkhow to get unbanned by Google adsense.
I myself jumped at the gracious opportunity when Google AdSense was first introduced, skeptical of course as to all new things I decided to test it out. I earned a few bucks and thought my mission was accomplished. What I didn't realize was how far Google AdSense could make me go. I had a couple of websites at the time and I only tried Google AdSense on one. After about a month I decided to start using it on all of my websites. And it seemed I had hit a jackpot, though my earnings weren't anywhere near what others were reporting I was happy to have my websites return profits. Sites that I have kept up by myself with no profits in mind as I considered web mastering a hobby.

Soon I began to experiment with my Google AdSense ads by choosing more positions and taking advantage of Google's other services. This blew my mind and my profits as well. I thought I had it made, but as I continued to surf the Internet I found other websites out there who weren't using Google AdSense to it's full potential. And then of course is when I decide to share my knowledge to best I can, so that others can learn how to truly use Google Adsense.
Even to this day I see sites that have so much to gain yet aren't using their 100% and it pains me. In this hope I started this website to try to educate those who are truly serious about earning an actual cash profit from Google Adsense.
Thank You

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