Tuesday 1 December 2015

See Serena Williams and Amy Schumer's stunning nude portraits shot by Annie Leibovitz

Amy Schumer got naked on camera the best way Amy knows how to — with an honest sense of humor.
The comedian posed topless for Pirelli's 2016 Calendar, shot by Annie Leibovitz. She posted the image to Twitter with this frank caption: "Beautiful, gross, strong, thin, fat, pretty, ugly, sexy, disgusting, flawless, woman."

Leibovitz, who said in a press release she is a "great admirer of comediennes," elaborated on Amy's picture: "The Amy Schumer portrait added some fun. It’s as if she didn’t get the memo saying that she could keep her clothes on.”
In a behind-the-scenes video, Schumer described her experiences during the photoshoot: "I felt I looked more beautiful than I've ever felt in my life, and I felt like it looked like me."
The 43rd edition of "The Cal," distributed to VIPs and Pirelli clients, departed from its standard scantily clad top models this year. Leibovitz, who previously shot for Pirelli in 2000 (photographing nude ballerinas), instead focused on diverse, powerful and trailblazing women who looked "strong but natural," Leibovitz said in a previously released statement.
"The idea was not to have any pretense in these pictures and be very straightforward," she said.

Apart from Schumer, the calendar also features black-and-white simple studio photographs of Ava DuVernay, Tavi Gevinson, Patti Smith, Yao Chen, Fran Lebowitz, Yoko Ono and Serena Williams, among others.
pirelli calendar serena williams

pirelli calendar patti smith

pirelli calendar yao chen

pirelli calendar amy schumer

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