Friday 28 August 2015

Why Should YouTube Be Your Main Focus? - A Killer YouTube Strategy

Why not something else like MetaCafe or Viddler or other video sharing websites? Why YouTube in particular? Let's have a look at that now. 
The First Thing Is That YouTube Is Owned By Google 
As I've said before. This has some amazing ramifications for YouTube and for its future. As you might know, YouTube started off as a company that was not owned by Google. In fact, it was only relatively recently that Google purchased them. 
If you look at Google and what they're on about, they're in the money-making game. They're interested in making money online. Having a company like Google behind you can only spell good things in terms of success in terms of making money. 

That's another thing. Google has deep pockets with money. They can fund a company like YouTube for years to come if they want to. They've decided to back YouTube because they've seen the potential that YouTube has. That's a really clear sign that YouTube is a technology you should keep an eye on. 
I think they're the second most-visited website on the Internet right now. I think Google is #1. I've got to double check those stats there, but YouTube is significant. 
Google also wants you to be successful. If you're successful, it's going to make them more money as well and make them more successful. So just the fact that they're behind YouTube means that they're working hard to make YouTube as easy for you as possible to be successful. 
If you look at the changes that YouTube has gone through since Google purchased them, you can see dramatic differences. You can see it in the AdSense program that's been introduced in the YouTube videos. You can see in the different designs and layouts that they've been working towards. You can see how YouTube videos are ranking much better inside the Google search engines. Having Google on their side is just huge. 
YouTube Videos Rank In Google Search Results 
So you've got that on your side. If you're only submitting to YouTube, your chances of getting ranked in Google are so much higher compared to all the other video sharing sites. 
It's An Incredible Traffic Source 
This is sort of an understatement, but if you look at YouTube, they just recently reached one billion views per day. I'm not even sure if we can visualize that number, but imagine one billion coins, you'd probably be able to fill up a whole stadium full of coins. One billion views a day is huge, and this is just from one website. 
In 2008 a study was done that showed that there were 71 million unique users in each month. That number has probably been superseded by now, but this is the latest information we have on that particular statistic. It's a huge plus. If you're not using this as a traffic generation source, you're missing out.

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