Friday 18 September 2015

Entrepreneurs: 12 Tips On Staying Inspired

Ahoy all you fellow entrepreneurs! Do you ever struggle to stay organised? On top of your daily tasks? And most importantly, do you lose that inspiration spark sometimes?
Trust me, I know how it feels. We need the inspiration in the first place to become entrepreneurs. Sometimes we lose the spark when being our own boss gets overwhelming, BUT it doesn't mean it's not there anymore. We just need to dig it up once again and here comes 12 tips on how to stay inspired.
Stay Healthy
1. Drink a glass of water: When you wake up in the morning, drink a glass of water to start the day fresh.

2. Move and sweat: Daily exercise boosts your energy levels, improves your mood, and relieves stress.
3. Get some sleep: When you get enough rest, you have more energy to of the things that make you happy.
Plan Your Day
4. Top 3 tasks: Every morning make a list of 3 things you want to accomplish that day.
5. 50/10 rule: Work on one important task for 50 minutes and then take 10 minute break to refocus.
6. Reflect daily: End your day with 10 minutes of reflection and self-evaluation.
Keep Learning
7. Reading: Reading increases knowledge which in turn keeps you inspired.
8. Browsing: Watching tutorials and conducting research increases your capabilities.
9. Brainstorm: Brainstorming can be a creative gold mine.
Focus On What Makes You Happy
10. Express gratitude: Think about 10 things you are grateful for every morning - gratitude promotes happiness.
11. Clean Your Desk: A tidy desk keeps things in order and lets you focus on the work you need to get done.
12. Indulge In Your Favourite Things: Set time aside to do your favourite things, like going to the movies or walk to the beach.

There you have it! Simple yet effective ways to keep the inspiration sparkling. When you are in charge of your own work schedule and getting things done, staying organized is a must. Also remembering your 'Why' is a vital part of being an entrepreneur, and you should be very clear on why you do what you do. When you know your 'Why', your purpose is clear. Our 'Why' should be something that inspires us, that we are passionate about.
If you feel lost or uninspired, go through these tips and sit down to re-evaluate your 'Why'. I guarantee inspiration will follow and nothing is going to stop you if your 'Why' is strong enough.

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