Saturday 26 September 2015

Franchising A Carpet Cleaning Business

Moving from a single, stand-alone carpet cleaning company into a national or global franchise business is the means to extract maximum profit from years of hard work in constructing your business. Franchising is a tough activity in itself, full of possible mistakes as well as bad moves which could effortlessly lose months of your time. 
Furthermore franchising is a highly regulated environment in many countries, in which legal fees can easily reach tens of thousands of dollars, so there's no point embarking on this path unless you have a solid foundation in place.
In order to franchise you must have developed an effective brand name and industry leading business which provides high quality household as well as business carpet cleaning outcomes using cleaning techniques which result in excellent quality and profitability. The cost of labor in your part of the world can also prove a significant hurdle when looking at growing from a one-person owner/operator into a business that can remain profitable while employing others to do the actual cleaning work. 

Developing a business model that allows you to scale your business through employees while remaining profitable is crucial to franchising, and shows possible franchisees that you have actually developed a scalable business, which is mandatory if you desire to franchise your business.
Next you'll need an education program in place, composed of both oral and written materials to provide to your franchisees, such that they could be taught how your business model works and brought up to speed quickly, to get them working and making you money as soon as possible! This consists of everything from carpet cleaning techniques to marketing as well as customer list building, consumer relationship administration, brand understanding and profitability tracking. 
Remember that potential franchisees might be completely brand-new to the carpet cleaning industry as well and will need your help throughout the process of establishing their successful franchise business of your brand name - if they fall short, then the months and cash you've invested in franchising your company won't pay off.
You should aim for a franchise model that is lasting for both yourself as the master franchisor, and also for your franchisees. Numerous carpet cleaning franchises give really little region slices to their franchisees, which makes it impossible to develop a sufficiently large business to make the franchise well worth the franchisee's investment. 
Such franchises ask for a constant weekly franchise fee and their company design is based on offering as many franchise businesses as possible, which is why their franchisee areas are tiny.
Consider providing your franchisees an area of up to 100km from their home or business location, which will allow them to develop a profitable as well as large franchise business. This allows you as the master franchisor to charge a portion of franchisee income as your franchise business cost, in addition to their initial investment. 
This model enables your franchisees to increase their business and grow their customer base, and scales your earnings as the franchise business owner with their company growth to maximize your economic gains.

Remember that as the master franchisor you will have to invest considerable quantities of time as well as money assisting your franchisees in constructing their company, so your franchise business must make sure that you are awarded in proportion to just how large and successful your franchisees end up being.

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