Saturday 3 October 2015

May Lindstrom Skin the Good Stuff is just perfect!

Not very often we come across skincare brands on the higher side that promises to offer what is actually tagged in the price. So, when I came across May Lindstrom Skin The Good Stuff and checked their complete range, I was quite surprised at the choices. 
In fact, in a world, where all products of natural and organic skincare are priced on the higher side, not every brand promises and offers the same. Coming in beautiful Miron glass bottle, it is best to mention that this is a total body serum that ensures that the connection with the skin is revived back, and I love it!

The ingredients: This is one of the certified organic serums for the body that I came across that includes key ingredients like jojoba oil, macadamia nut oil, olive oil and plum kernel oil with other oils. The label says sea buckthorn oil with ylang-ylang oil and cocoa absolute oil are also included. I really didn’t actually bother on researching each of them, but most of the friends tell me only good things.

What I liked: Honestly, I am someone who doesn’t spend a huge amount of money on skincare products because I always hold my reservations on the quality. However, the moment I used a small drop of the across May Lindstrom Skin The Good Stuff, I just couldn’t stop smelling my skin. It instantly nourishes the skin and offers a silky touch with a soft glow that is hard to ignore. 

The blend of cocoa, rose, and lavender is just perfect for my combination skin and gives a small and sweet touch to the skin. This is more like a rich fluid that works well on the skin for all the good reasons. If you are someone who is looking for a product that is honest on the hype and claim, I bet you won’t regret buying this one. The smell is just delicious, and you don’t need to apply a huge amount, just a little can do wonders.

How to apply: This is a complete body serum and is meant to be used everywhere. I generally use it on the tough skin of my feet along with the rest of the body after a shower. The product is safe to be used on the breasts, and I even use one or two drops for my hair, as well. It’s more like a full lotion with a texture that has a bit of shimmer.

Final word: I love May Lindstrom Skin The Good Stuff for all the good reasons. The only con is the price, which is higher for the fact that it is a certified organic product. Not to forget, I love the smell and touch of this body serum to the most, and the bottle should last you long. After all, when it comes to body, everyone loves to get the best care. Go beyond the label and price and you will like to make this investment time and again without any hesitations.

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