Monday 16 November 2015

11 Things That Instantly Make You LESS Attractive!

If you think good looks, chiseled body and happening clothes can make any one attractive and enticing, then you have wrong notions. Of course these traits adds on to  attraction  but certain things which are done by some good looking men and women make them appear like a ‘duh’.
Below are some things that instantly make you less attractive!
  1. Being rude and complaining way too much.
Nobody would like you to be rude towards anybody especially when you talk badly to service industry people. How someone treats people tell a lot about their personality.
  1. When guys smell awful.

Anybody will feel disgusted if they meet people who smell terrible.
  1. When they have no passion…goals in life.
Your attitude towards life and career can actually make you appear in good or bad light. Being dependent is very big turn off for any one.
  1. When guys try to be like others and not yourself.
Being yourself, accepting the way you are or loving thyself is more attractive than concealing your own identity. If you are vying to be some other in order to create a good impression then you are on a wrong path.
  1. Lazy for anything and everything.
If you are the chairman of the lazy club is not a good post at all. Being a doormat is not at all appreciated. So thwart that passive mode and get going now.
  1. Over confident or not at all confident
No one would agree that they are over co if you not confident and fidgeting all the times then you must stop it right away.
  1. Argumentative- no matter what we will defy all.
Person who get easily offended and find most of things offensive let us make hit that turn off button.
  1. Who likes to shout at top of the voice with a shrill tone!
This trait is very important as high pitched tone is hated by all. Try and lower your voice in all situations so that you can appear sane and attractive every time.
  1. When they behave as Mr. /Ms. I Know It All and those are close minded.
People who showcase themselves as if they are best in everything and know everything must stop doing it. Instead one should be humble enough to stand up and say that they would
  1. Who are married to their phones!
People who have their heads always in their PCs, laptops ans mobile can make any one annoy. If you really want to be welcomed by all then one should stop being glued to your mobile screens.
  1. Way too Judgemental and Pessimist!

Those who have pre conceived notions on everything and who too pessimist and close minded.

One should not only put their effort into their presentation and their looks but also in their behaviour to be attractive till eternity.

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