Saturday 7 November 2015

Pack goodness into your holidays

A few easy-to-do things that you can keep in your mind and follow for a goodness-filled break.

For many of us, the day progresses something like this: get up and realise that we have just about enough time left to bathe and rush to office; reach office after a fierce battle with the crowd and traffic; work like there would be no tomorrow and come back home half dead. And, in the middle of all this, just mindlessly hog on to anything bearing the closest resemblance to food.

No. There is no concept of wellbeing left in our lives. Let alone doing proper exercise, we don’t even consider deep breathing for five minutes in the day. A few people who have shelled out money for gymming, do, at times, manage to run on the treadmill and think that they have done the needful. And yes, we don’t even have the time to think where we are headed towards, in terms of health and happiness. 
So, this is the kind of life that we are leading and when we feel we are really bottled up with pressure and stress, we plan a holiday. Considering our sorry state of being, for once, we need to think differently about our holidays. How about a place which would pack both fun and wellness into itself? Ok, if you are not planning to go about it in full swing, how about getting these few important things right while you are on a break:
  1. Try and stay at a hotel or a guesthouse which either has a wellness or recreation centre or is close to one. Get up in the morning for a yoga session, swim or play a game of badminton. Believe me, it will make you feel happier than you can think.
  2. Walk as much as you can. Considering that you would plan a trip to a prettier, cleaner place than your resident town, a walk will be fun.
  3. Go for the region’s authentic cuisine, which generally has some goodness. No KFC or Mc Donald’s, or any other thing equally bad.

  4. It is completely okay if your idea of holidaying is to get drunk and make merry. Just balance it out with some physical activity, proper food and good conversations. How about renting a bicycle for a ride around the town, if possible?
  5. Stay happy. Don’t carry your laptop and work along with you. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life like looking at the star-studded night sky, gazing into the limitless expanse of the sea, smelling the flowers, or getting up in the morning to the sounds of the birds chirping. It will all do good.

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