Monday 16 November 2015

Free Online Course For People Belonging To Arts And Culture Background

One of the toughest career challenges for someone with great interest in arts and culture is getting a concrete platform.
The celebration of culture has played an important role in the establishment of various civilizations.
Imagine the consequence when a cultural idea gets technological wings.
Vanderbilt University in association with Coursera offers an online course on innovation in Arts and Culture, for free.

Innovation is buzzed.
Everyone is talking about it, and they’re doing it in grand terms. But the effect will only be seen when there comes a radical change. The free online course developed by David Owens at Vanderbilt University is customized for the cultural sector by the National Arts Strategies (Virginia, U.S.A). The course aims at helping people from arts and culture background to create an environment where new ideas are constantly created, shared, evaluated and the deserving ones and successfully put to work.
Those involved in arts and culture, have generally, lesser time and money for experimentation and risks, as compared to others. As a result of which, powerful ideas in the industry get stuck with no real action taken. The online study will help those in performing arts, museums and other cultural organizations build environments where new management and program ideas are created and worked upon.
Eligibility and Qualifications to enrol
The course is an initiative for people who are involved in arts and culture around the globe. You can enrol for the course online, as an individual, someone representing an organization, or as a whole team. Also, the course is available for organizations that deliver arts and cultural content activities around the globe.
Duration and syllabus
The duration of the course is eight weeks, which requires spending an average of 6-8 hours per week on the videos, assessments and quizzes.
The course syllabus consists of introduction, individual constraints, group constraints, organizational constraints, industry constraints, societal constraints, technological constraints, and lastly a session on what-if. The what-if session is about the adversities you might face while pursuing this career, how to deal with difficult situations and the time when failure is not an option for you.
The course format consists of weekly video lectures with imbibed quizzes, short exercises, reading, case studies, several diagnostic surveys and a brief weekly evaluation paper. Because not all the registered users have the same learning objectives or available time, the course is offered at two levels of engagement: Standard Level and Studio Mastery Level.
Standard level is for candidates who engage in assignments, exercises and discussion projects, but do not have the time for an innovation project. They receive a Statement of Accomplishment at the end of their course.

Studio Mastery level is for candidates  who wish to master the course material and take part in the real-world projects, for the application of teachings of the course. They receive a Statement of Accomplishment- with Distinction at the end of their course.
To enrol in the course log onto the official website:

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