Monday 16 November 2015

First Sex Date With GF or BF! Know These 6 Things Clearly!

Yes, I am talking about that very special date with your partner where you decide to take a plunge into another level of your relationship and create some very special moments together.
Whether it is an absolute love and emotion filled moment for you or the one where you feel you have simply given voice to your carnal urges (pun intended), you just need to keep certain things in mind before you sink in.
And here are the prime 6s you need to know clearly before your first sex date:
  1. Most Important: Relationship Qualms After The Date
Please, figure this one out unmistakably, before you climb the bed together. If at all, any of you is yet not ready to be committed,  please be vocal about it, and express clearly that, having a sex date will not be a binding sign for any of you. Clarify, that the relationship status remains as was, unless you both are ready to talk about it and move a level up, for many other reasons, and not only this one sex date. Having this clarity will save you from many dirty situations later.

  1. Make Sure Both Are Equally Up To It

If any of you is not up to the mark in the WANT section, chances are, you will spoil your first sex date. Having a half reluctant, half excited partner for your first time experience is not advisable. So make sure you both are on the same page and you both really want to do this.
  1. Protection Calls
You are ought to use protection (you must, come what may). Therefore, make necessary arrangements for it. If you are a boy, it is definitely your department and you can use this subject to build-up the excitement and make some research on the most pleasurable ones that will help you to make this experience memorable. If you are a girl, you can too, by all means, take the responsibility to buy a pack you would like him to use. You can sex-flirt with him playfully about his choices.
  1. Prepare Yourself Physically
Make sure you are prepared in every possible way, including your body. Unwanted hair, body odours and other such distractions must be eliminated before you meet for that delightful experience. If at all you guys are at a comfortable podium, you can ask each other about what your partner would like you wear for that special day, inside and outside.
  1. Keep Your Nerves On A Balanced Note
The pre-date preparations or the thoughts are going to excite you way too much. And it can result in too high expectations of your first experience. Do not do that to yourself. Get steady on a balanced note. Don’t expect too high. Don’t expect too less either. Do not discuss it too much with your partner before the D day. Just go with a calming flow, relax your nerves and let the whole course of heavenly exploration unfold naturally.
  1. Take It Slow And Watch Out For Reactions
And then, the D day comes! So, when you are in the act, and since it is your first time with that person, you need to take it at a steady pace, without rushing in. You have to keep your eyes and ears open to the reactions at your touches and moves. Try to understand what pleases your partner and what is taken a little unwillingly. Try not to repeat that. Be the caring and compassionate partner for this very special experience. It will take your relationship to another level of bonding and understanding altogether.

First sex date with a person is always remembered, whether you remain in the bond together or not. Make sure it is remembered on a positive note and you smile each time you think about it.
Go for it!


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