Monday 16 November 2015

Signs Your Girlfriend Is Serious About You!

Do you ever wonder if the love of your life is serious about you?
Well it’s absolutely normal to have that confusion, but with time and her behavior, you can very well know if your girlfriend is serious about you or not.
But why to wait for time? Today we look at some of the signs that shows your girlfriend is totally committed to you.
So here’s the signs your girlfriend is serious about you. Read on to know if you have the same question…
When she’s scared to lose you!
You can feel this in her behavior. For example during a fight, she makes sure you both don’t cross the line and tries to patch up soon. She will be flexible in her approach towards you. She will ensure that whatever be the fight or misunderstanding, that stays resolved. A girl who isn’t serious won’t make any efforts to save your relationship. So if your girl is scared of losing you, it is one of the sign that she is serious about you.

When you can smell jealousy!
thats my man
Yes she will be jealous if you talk to other girls or if someone tries to get close to you. Jealousy is one of the sign, that your girl is possessive about you and treats you as her own and well only a serious girl will make you feel that way.
When she’s there as a guide!
She will guide you, either about your career or if you are going through any ups and downs in your life. She will not just guide you but will be by your side in any condition. She cares about you and will try everything possible to bail you out of that situation.
When your problem, becomes her problem!
She won’t just be concerned about you, but will ensure that she doesn’t let you handle the problem all by yourself. If you can feel her genuine concern, boy you are lucky, your girl really loves you.
When she tries to make you a better person!
She will accept your bad habits but will ensure you leave things which aren’t good for your life. She won’t try to control you but will always make sure you become a better person.
When she is concerned about your career!
Yes she will be concerned about your career too! She’ll be worried about you and what you do in your life. She would only want you to be successful in life because she truly sees her future with you.
When she cares about your expenses!
save money
Girls love shopping, gifts and what not, and well it’s not wrong but if she truly loves you, she’ll see your pocket too. She won’t be bothered if you can’t give her expensive gifts, rather would ask you to save money for ‘Your’ future which includes ‘Hers’ too!
When you can feel her affection!
Whatever time you spend with her, you will feel the love, care and affection. Some things you will feel when she’s around you. She might be busy in her life, but back of the mind you will be always there and she will ensure she knows what you’re up to and will make time for you even from her busy schedule.
It isn’t compulsory that your girl needs to have all these signs to prove she is serious or not.
Every individual is different and they have different means to show their love and seriousness but trust me, no one but you can easily feel the love. We humans have the best power- the power of feeling.

If you can feel her love and care, and most importantly if your heart says, she’s serious about you, chances are you are correct.
Which of these signs, you see in your girlfriend?
Don’t let her go boy, if she shows all these signs ๐Ÿ˜‰
Good luck!

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