Tuesday 24 November 2015

Incorporating Passion Into Your Career

You’ve probably heard and read a lot about pursuing a career that brings you satisfaction everyday.
And you might also have heard people telling you to do what you love doing whole heartedly. But how many times have to tried to figure out  that, what inspires you in choosing your way? Still thinking if it’s true, aren’t you?
Take a moment to think about the things that inspire you.
Whether it’s your passion for volunteering or your love for music, is it possible to tie these elements from your passion into your career.
Would you still love your job if you make lesser money out of this than what the other job had offered you, which you weren’t really interested in?
The old aphorism suggests that you should follow your passion in your career.
However, I prefer to believe that, that’s a lot easier said than done. Pursuing your passion can mean all sorts of things. It might mean starting a business or following what you love to do.  Consider a situation like this: You complete your schooling, SSC and then go for graduation. While you wanted to become a writer, you graduate in Science and then go for post grads choosing economics as a major. When applying for PG, you knew you wouldn’t end up being a writer.

Still, you go for the degree, get an on campus placement and take up a job of an economist.
Nowhere close to your passion, right?
Does this mean that finance also plays a major role in your career. ‘Course it does. Nevertheless, here are a few things that could help you incorporate more of your passions into career…
– Prioritize your goals so as to have a clear picture of which passion of yours do you want to oursue as a career.
– Listing things that inspire you the most. For example, let’s say you are passionate about helping others and you work in the tech industry. Maybe you could find a job where you can use technology to improve the lives of others. Something as simple as this can help you find satisfaction and contentment out of the work you do.
– Lastly, think about the obstacles you’re willing to overcome. The process of finding a career you love doesn’t come easy. It involves a lot of planning, dedication, innovation and positive attitude. Sometimes, when you’re searching for a job you’re passionate about, you’re going to have to overcome obstacles. But you need to keep yourself focused. Achieving what you dreamt of, doesn’t happen overnight. You need to be patient about it.
Remember, you get a job, so you can afford to have a life.

But then you spend all your time at work and end up with no time to live the life you’re working for.
Is that even worth it? Think. Reflect. Act Wisely.

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