Saturday 21 November 2015

Voter Is Tinder For Politics

As we approach election season the average person is probably confused by the plethora of candidates. Should you vote Trump? Hillary? Dr. Fantasmus the Libertarian Cyborg? Voter can probably tell you.
This app is basically a swipe left/swipe right interface for political leanings. It asks you questions about policy and then recommends a candidate based on who you should vote for. Do you support gun control? Dance classes in public schools? There’s probably a candidate for you.
Ultimately, said founder Hunter Scarborough, the system will allow users to submit their own votes to aggregated polls, a feature that will allow for more interesting and precise information for voters and politicians.

The service has 24,000 users and the company is raising capital.

“The platform we developed only recently became possible. Thanks to new open data initiatives, we now have access to up-to-the-minute political data,” said Scarborough. “This allows us to take an unbiased numbers-based approach that other political tools lack. To ensure the highest level of accuracy, we hold politicians accountable to their actions, analyzing candidates’ voting records, public agenda, personal views, speeches, and more.”

Voter is aimed at millennials who are political active. It’s basically a way to get up to speed on various candidates in a few seconds, a valuable proposition in this era of always-on news.
“Voter gives you a fast and fun way to become reliably politically informed,” said Scarborough. Sadly swiping left or right on a particular candidate doesn’t get you a date with them, although Trogdor the Undestroyable, mayoral candidate for the Darkest Core of Deathton (near Scranton) might be a cool dude to hang out with over a beer.

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